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MARCH 14, 2012 @ 6:00 PM



1. Steven Bamberg
   Date: 3/14/12
   Property Location/Description being appealed: 19A Cedar Hill Road, Newtown, CT 06470
   Reason for Appeal: Believes the piece of vacant land is over assessed due to excessive
    amount of wetlands.
   Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. The land will receive a deduction of (-10%) for
    Topography, and (-10%) for vacancy.
    2011 Original Property Assessment: $170,020
   2011 Revised Property Assessment: $136,020

  • George & Mary Bennett
   Date: 3/14/12
   Property Location/Description being appealed: 17 Oak Ridge Drive, Newtown, CT,
   Reason for Appeal: Believes the property is overvalued compared to other properties on Oak
    Ridge, and similar prestige developments in the current real estate market.
   Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

3. Michael & Kristen Bonacci
   Date: 3/14/12
   Property Location/Description being appealed: 12 Meridian Ridge Drive, Newtown, CT,
   Reason for Appeal: Believes the property is overvalued compared to the current market
    Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

4. Breza Builders
   Date: 3/14/12
   Property Location/Description being appealed: 81 Huntingtown Road, Newtown, CT,
   Board Discussion/Resolution: Appellant did not show.
5. Breza Builders
   Date: 3/14/12
   Property Location/Description being appealed: 83 Huntingtown Road, Newtown, CT,
   Board Discussion/Resolution: Appellant did not show.
6.  Breza Builders
    Date: 3/14/12
    Property Location/Description being appealed: 85 Huntingtown Road, Newtown, CT,
    Board Discussion/Resolution: Appellant did not show.

7.  Ales Bukovsky & Dagmar Bukovska
    Date: 3/14/12
    Property Location/Description being appealed: 14 Putnam Drive, Newtown, CT, 06470
    Reason for Appeal: Believes the property is overvalued based on the condition of the land,
     and the dwelling. The land in unusable based on the topography, almost (80%) is at a
     slopping grade. The dwelling is also outdated, and requires updating to meet market value
     standards compared to similar properties.
     Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Change the dwelling condition from average to
     2011 Original Property Assessment: $359,600
    2011 Revised Property Assessment: $354,660

8.  Roman Cebulski
    Date: 3/14/12
    Property Location/Description being appealed: 78 Sugar Lane, Newtown, CT, 06470
    Reason for Appeal: Believes the property is overvalued compared to the current market
     value, and to similar comparable homes. The property was purchased in 2010 for $423,000.
     The property was also a foreclosure, and was vacant for an extended period of time and left in
     poor condition. Since 2010 the market has dropped 8-10%, and the current property appraisal
     supports the decrease in market value. Believes the assessment is inflated compared to (20)
     Russett Road.
    Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

9.  Chris Costello
    Date: 3/14/12
    Property Location/Description being appealed: Macmar Industries
    Reason for Appeal: Business was dissolved in March of 2009.
    Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Delete business for 2011.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $2,240
    2011 Revised Property Assessment: $0

  • Eric S. Dasilva, Representing TNT Offices LLC
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 13 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is overvalued based on appraisal as of October 1, 2007.  
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Reduce Fair Market Value to $975,000 to concur with appraisal.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $917,910
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $682,500

  • James & Lindsay Glynn
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 10 Meridian Ridge Drive, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is overvalued based on the current market value.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

  • Gary & Lorelei Hewitt
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 146 Taunton Hill Road, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is overvalued based on the purchase price of $485,000 in November of 2011, and the current property appraisal as of October 6, 2011.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

 14.  William M. Jones IV & Valerie Le Cann Jones
       Date: 3/14/12
       Property Location/Description being appealed: 40 Bradley Lane, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
       Reason for Appeal: Believes the property is overvalued based on comparable homes. Made
       an analysis spreadsheet showing comparisons of similar homes.
       Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

15.  Brian C. Kean
      Date: 3/14/12
            Property Location/Description being appealed: 137 Poverty Hollow Road, Newtown, CT,
      Reason for Appeal: Believes appraised value is too high based on surrounding neighbors at
       135 & 139 Poverty Hollow Road. Comparable homes are much larger, and the land is valued
       at a much lower rate as well.
       Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Change the condition of the dwelling from average
       to fair, and reduce the adjustment factor from .94 to .91 to match neighborhood.
       2011 Original Property Assessment: $301,920
      2011 Revised Property Assessment: $288,590

  • Jan Larson
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 3 Morgan Drive, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
Reason for Appeal: Believes property value is too high based on current market value.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

  • Michael Lynch
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 3 Golden Pond Road, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is overvalued based on current appraisal which was performed after all alterations to dwelling.  
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

  • Stephen & Shahin Madison
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 24 Oak Ridge Drive, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Property overvalued based on current market value. Two bank appraisals were conducted, one August 2010 for $900,000, and one conducted in January of 2012 for $830,000. Other properties on Oak Ridge that are larger are also assessed at a lower rate.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

  • Todd Martin
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 26 Bridge End Farm Lane, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on clerical error on field card which states dwelling has 100% central air. Land is also overvalued based on the fact that 20% of the land is underwater & a gas easement runs through the property which prevents further development.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Remove 100% central air, and reduce land value by (10%) for gas easement.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $455,660
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $423,650

  • Robert Mathison
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: R Mathison Floors LLC
Reason for Appeal: Forgot to fill out Personal Property Declaration for 2011, and haven’t purchased any new assets for company.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Remove 10% increase in assessment, but (25%) penalty applies to gross assessment.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $4,890
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $4,499

  • Phyllis F. Scalzo
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 96 Forest Drive, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on physical condition of the property. House is in disrepair, and requires excessive amount of work to be habitable.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Physical inspection requested, and deliberation to follow. Inspection completed. Reduce the condition of the dwelling from average to poor.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $142,150
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $133,630

  • Barbara & Leo Schwertley
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 24 Equestrian Ridge Road, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on excessive amount of wetlands on the property. The property also contains a bridal easement.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

  • Roger Sprung
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 16 Parmalee Hill Road, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on topography, and comparable properties in the neighborhood. Land is vacant, and unable to sell in current market.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Reduce the land value by (10%) for vacancy, and reduce by (10%) for being a back lot.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $169,820
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $144,350

  • Roger Sprung
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 7 Papoose Hill Road, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on topography, and comparable properties in the neighborhood.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Reduce the land value by (25%) due to topography.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $324,700
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $279,050

  • Elfriede Utz
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 33 Shelley Road, Bethel, CT, 06801
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on the condition of the property. High voltage power lines going through property, excessive ledge, and a large CL&P easement through the property which prevents improvement. Also, does not receive any town services.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Reduce the land value by (10%) for power lines, (5%) for being a back lot, and (30%) for topography.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $364,440
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $282,930

  • David Zupan
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 29 Mountain Manor Road, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is overvalued based on comparable homes in the area. The property also contains a large gas easement which prevents further development of the property.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Reduce the land value by (10%) for gas easement.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $529,950
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $510,740


 Board of Assessment Appeals adjourned at 10:00 PM
 Mindy Kovack, Clerk


MARCH 14, 2012 @ 6:00 PM


1. Steven Bamberg
   Date: 3/14/12
   Property Location/Description being appealed: 19A Cedar Hill Road, Newtown, CT 06470
   Reason for Appeal: Believes the piece of vacant land is over assessed due to excessive
    amount of wetlands.
   Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. The land will receive a deduction of (-10%) for
    Topography, and (-10%) for vacancy.
    2011 Original Property Assessment: $170,020
   2011 Revised Property Assessment: $136,020

  • George & Mary Bennett
   Date: 3/14/12
   Property Location/Description being appealed: 17 Oak Ridge Drive, Newtown, CT,
   Reason for Appeal: Believes the property is overvalued compared to other properties on Oak
    Ridge, and similar prestige developments in the current real estate market.
   Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.
3. Michael & Kristen Bonacci
   Date: 3/14/12
   Property Location/Description being appealed: 12 Meridian Ridge Drive, Newtown, CT,
   Reason for Appeal: Believes the property is overvalued compared to the current market
    Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

4. Breza Builders
   Date: 3/14/12
   Property Location/Description being appealed: 81 Huntingtown Road, Newtown, CT,
   Board Discussion/Resolution: Appellant did not show.
5. Breza Builders
   Date: 3/14/12
   Property Location/Description being appealed: 83 Huntingtown Road, Newtown, CT,
   Board Discussion/Resolution: Appellant did not show.
6.  Breza Builders
    Date: 3/14/12
    Property Location/Description being appealed: 85 Huntingtown Road, Newtown, CT,
    Board Discussion/Resolution: Appellant did not show.

7.  Ales Bukovsky & Dagmar Bukovska
    Date: 3/14/12
    Property Location/Description being appealed: 14 Putnam Drive, Newtown, CT, 06470
    Reason for Appeal: Believes the property is overvalued based on the condition of the land,
     and the dwelling. The land in unusable based on the topography, almost (80%) is at a
     slopping grade. The dwelling is also outdated, and requires updating to meet market value
     standards compared to similar properties.
     Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Change the dwelling condition from average to
     2011 Original Property Assessment: $359,600
    2011 Revised Property Assessment: $354,660

8.  Roman Cebulski
    Date: 3/14/12
    Property Location/Description being appealed: 78 Sugar Lane, Newtown, CT, 06470
    Reason for Appeal: Believes the property is overvalued compared to the current market
     value, and to similar comparable homes. The property was purchased in 2010 for $423,000.
     The property was also a foreclosure, and was vacant for an extended period of time and left in
     poor condition. Since 2010 the market has dropped 8-10%, and the current property appraisal
     supports the decrease in market value. Believes the assessment is inflated compared to (20)
     Russett Road.
    Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

9.  Chris Costello
    Date: 3/14/12
    Property Location/Description being appealed: Macmar Industries
    Reason for Appeal: Business was dissolved in March of 2009.
    Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Delete business for 2011.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $2,240
    2011 Revised Property Assessment: $0

  • Eric S. Dasilva, Representing TNT Offices LLC
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 13 Berkshire Road, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is overvalued based on appraisal as of October 1, 2007.  
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Reduce Fair Market Value to $975,000 to concur with appraisal.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $917,910
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $682,500

  • Dennis & Elizabeth Gallagher
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 224 Brushy Hill Road, Newtown, CT, 06470
Board Discussion/Resolution: Appellant did not show.

  • James & Lindsay Glynn
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 10 Meridian Ridge Drive, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is overvalued based on the current market value.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

  • Gary & Lorelei Hewitt
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 146 Taunton Hill Road, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is overvalued based on the purchase price of $485,000 in November of 2011, and the current property appraisal as of October 6, 2011.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

 14.  William M. Jones IV & Valerie Le Cann Jones
       Date: 3/14/12
       Property Location/Description being appealed: 40 Bradley Lane, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
       Reason for Appeal: Believes the property is overvalued based on comparable homes. Made
       an analysis spreadsheet showing comparisons of similar homes.
       Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

15.  Brian C. Kean
      Date: 3/14/12
            Property Location/Description being appealed: 137 Poverty Hollow Road, Newtown, CT,
      Reason for Appeal: Believes appraised value is too high based on surrounding neighbors at
       135 & 139 Poverty Hollow Road. Comparable homes are much larger, and the land is valued
       at a much lower rate as well.
       Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Change the condition of the dwelling from average
       to fair, and reduce the adjustment factor from .94 to .91 to match neighborhood.
       2011 Original Property Assessment: $301,920
      2011 Revised Property Assessment: $288,590

  • Jan Larson
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 3 Morgan Drive, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
Reason for Appeal: Believes property value is too high based on current market value.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

  • Michael Lynch
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 3 Golden Pond Road, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is overvalued based on current appraisal which was performed after all alterations to dwelling.  
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

  • Stephen & Shahin Madison
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 24 Oak Ridge Drive, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Property overvalued based on current market value. Two bank appraisals were conducted, one August 2010 for $900,000, and one conducted in January of 2012 for $830,000. Other properties on Oak Ridge that are larger are also assessed at a lower rate.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

  • Todd Martin
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 26 Bridge End Farm Lane, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on clerical error on field card which states dwelling has 100% central air. Land is also overvalued based on the fact that 20% of the land is underwater & a gas easement runs through the property which prevents further development.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Remove 100% central air, and reduce land value by (10%) for gas easement.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $455,660
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $423,650

  • Robert Mathison
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: R Mathison Floors LLC
Reason for Appeal: Forgot to fill out Personal Property Declaration for 2011, and haven’t purchased any new assets for company.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Remove 10% increase in assessment, but (25%) penalty applies to gross assessment.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $4,890
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $4,499

  • Phyllis F. Scalzo
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 96 Forest Drive, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on physical condition of the property. House is in disrepair, and requires excessive amount of work to be habitable.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Physical inspection requested, and deliberation to follow. Inspection completed. Reduce the condition of the dwelling from average to poor.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $142,150
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $133,630

  • Barbara & Leo Schwertley
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 24 Equestrian Ridge Road, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on excessive amount of wetlands on the property. The property also contains a bridal easement.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Denied.

  • Roger Sprung
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 16 Parmalee Hill Road, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on topography, and comparable properties in the neighborhood. Land is vacant, and unable to sell in current market.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Reduce the land value by (10%) for vacancy, and reduce by (10%) for being a back lot.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $169,820
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $144,350

  • Roger Sprung
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 7 Papoose Hill Road, Newtown, CT, 06470
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on topography, and comparable properties in the neighborhood.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Reduce the land value by (25%) due to topography.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $324,700
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $279,050

  • Elfriede Utz
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 33 Shelley Road, Bethel, CT, 06801
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is over assessed based on the condition of the property. High voltage power lines going through property, excessive ledge, and a large CL&P easement through the property which prevents improvement. Also, does not receive any town services.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Reduce the land value by (10%) for power lines, (5%) for being a back lot, and (30%) for topography.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $364,440
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $282,930

  • David Zupan
Date: 3/14/12
Property Location/Description being appealed: 29 Mountain Manor Road, Sandy Hook, CT, 06482
Reason for Appeal: Believes property is overvalued based on comparable homes in the area. The property also contains a large gas easement which prevents further development of the property.
Board Discussion/Resolution: Approved. Reduce the land value by (10%) for gas easement.
2011 Original Property Assessment: $529,950
2011 Revised Property Assessment: $510,740

 Board of Assessment Appeals adjourned at 10:00 PM
 Mindy Kovack, Clerk